Principal’s Blog 008 School Construction and a Special Community Event — Richard Gill School

Principal’s Blog 008 School Construction and a Special Community Event

Hello, and welcome to the eighth of my monthly Principal's blogs. I will be sharing a new blog post on the first Friday of each month and in this post, I will provide an update of the school’s construction, new donations received and a special community event to save the date for.


We have now received written confirmation of our NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) registration as a new independent school, and are now only awaiting the arrival of our official signed certificate from the Minister of Education. This is fantastic news and allows numerous other pieces of the logistical puzzle to fall into place.

School development

Construction is now well under way having commenced on Monday October 19. Demolition was the first order of business, which has now been completed. Fencing works have commenced and will be completed any day now, weather permitting. We also had our dangerous (hollow) tree removed and engraved with our school initials RGS by the generous Stan and Mark Ray. See photos below.


Enrolments for 2021 are still being accepted. Please do not delay in returning your enrolment form. Our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info and fee information can be found here

Thankfully, restrictions surrounding Kindergarten Orientation programs are being relaxed in NSW as Covid community transmission rates remain very low. I look forward to developing an orientation program for our foundation students to be held sometime in November/December. Stay tuned.

Community Event

Save the date Saturday January 30, 2021.

To celebrate the official opening of Richard Gill School we wish to invite everyone to save the date for a special community event on the school grounds. We will have a number of complimentary family friendly attractions to be enjoyed by the community throughout the day, followed by a VIP event in the evening for special guests who have supported the school throughout this critical establishment phase.


This month it brings me great pleasure to acknowledge 2 new generous donations to our school. The first is a significant financial contribution by Mr John Flood towards equity scholarships for local children. The second is an upright piano donated by Carol and Tony Berry of Aberdeen. We have also received delivery of another upright piano donated earlier this year by Sheridan Carmichael of Muswellbrook. On behalf of the school and the board I must offer my immense thanks to these individuals for their generosity and the positive impact they will have on the school and the education of our children.


Yours in Music,

Chris English – Principal, Richard Gill School
