Current Opportunities
We do not currently have any employment advertisements, however, we encourage any interested individuals to reach out to the school and we will keep their details for future opportunities.
School Values on Employment and Teaching
While influences outside the school undoubtedly play a part, the mind of a child is in the hands of teachers for almost thirteen years of the child’s life. Therefore, the quality of the teaching staff is of paramount importance to the overall success of the school, encouraging teachers to be autonomous and to be responsible for stimulating creativity in every child.
Fine, well-conducted teaching, results in a better and more civilised world, deriving from graduates who have recourse to knowledge, curiosity, and creativity built on a fundamental foundation of mutual respect and celebration of learning, creating confidence in our collective obligation to build a better world.
Optimism is key, allied with the enduring disciplines of study, dialogue, and concentrated listening with lifelong resort to creativity, central to humanity and its better angels. Each of these disciplines is core to the rationale for the school.
Register Your Interest
Want to work at Richard Gill school?
Recruitment for teaching and administrative staff will be taking place throughout the year. If you are interested in employment at the school, please fill in the following form and briefly outline your experience to receive up to date information regarding upcoming job opportunities.
“It is my great hope, therefore, that our school will be a catalyst for change.
We need to demonstrate that all children should be given the same opportunities to succeed at their highest level and that talent will emerge gradually and in varying degrees. We need to allow the children to be children for as long as possible without compromising their learning and without the imposition of endless testing. Schools tend to be designed by adults for other adults and in this sense, we are no different. However, if we remain ever vigilant about the education we are providing and to whom we are providing this education, my belief is that we will be able to create a model which can be emulated elsewhere giving children, in the words of Iris Murdoch “the confidence – to walk the path our mind, our educated mind, offers.”