Principal’s Blog 009. School’s Construction, Orientation Program, and Our Special Event. — Richard Gill School

Principal’s Blog 009. School’s Construction, Orientation Program, and Our Special Event.

Hello, and welcome to the ninth edition of my monthly Principal's blogs, and my final blog for 2020. I will be sharing a new blog post on the first Friday of each month and in this post. In this post, I will provide an update of the school’s construction, Orientation program, and our special event.

Orientation 2020

This week we welcomed eight Kindergarten students to Richard Gill School to commence their Orientation program, which was terribly exciting! Below is a summary:

This week saw some of our inaugural students arrive onsite as a group to participate in the first of our orientation sessions. It’s going to be a year of firsts!

Our new Kindergarten students participated in a range of activities outside. Sand and playdough were big hits, as was utilising a range of sporting equipment in their play scenarios. The students also participated in some music activities and explored the delightful sounds of the “humarimba” (human-marimba). A humarimba is meant to have two people holding it with a belt around their waist but as it is too heavy for young children, I have attached it to my hammock stand. Several unique tunes were improvised with the accompaniment of fruit shakers! Many also played puppet shows.

We enjoyed listening to a story and getting to know each other. I hope everyone enjoys many more playdough creations with their take-home playdough.

I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the inaugural class next week and am very excited about starting 2021 together.

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School Development

Construction continues to remain on time, with structural steel and further mechanical works being conducted this week, before electrical and plasterboard works commence in the coming weeks leading up to Christmas. Our play equipment has been ordered but with a 12-week lead time will be installed mid-way through Term 1. Stan Ray is generously donating some lovely natural tree stumps and timber logs for nature play and balance activities that the children can use until our permanent installation occurs.

We are Registered

It is with great excitement and relief that Richard Gill School has now received their official NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) registration certificate meaning Richard Gill School is now officially recognised as a new, NESA accredited independent school. This is a huge milestone for the school and a great amount of effort and time has gone into seeing this come to fruition. I would like to thank our staff, board and everyone else involved for their tireless work in making this a reality.


Enrolments for 2021 are still being accepted. Please do not delay in returning your enrolment form. Our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info and fee information can be found on our website, in our Documents section here.

Save the Date

Saturday, January 30, 2021. To celebrate the official opening of Richard Gill School we wish to invite everyone in the community to save the date for a special community event on the school grounds. We will have several complimentary family-friendly attractions to be enjoyed by the community throughout the day, followed by a VIP event in the evening for special guests who have supported the school throughout this critical establishment phase.


This week I would like to put the call out to any person, family or organisation that could donate children’s books to our library. Staff and friends have donated approximately 75 books to kick start the library, however, it would be ideal for the children to have hundreds of books at their disposal to borrow and read at their leisure and during their lessons.

Thank you to Aberdeen Library who have also donated some 100 books to our library.

Please email details of any prospective book donations to we are seeking fiction and non-fiction children’s books in good condition.

Merry Christmas

The staff and I would like to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year and hope everyone enjoys a wonderful time with family and loved ones.

There will be no Principal’s Blog in January. I look forward to giving you another instalment the first week of February 2021.

Yours in Music,

Chris English – Principal, Richard Gill School
