Principal’s Blog 007 Exciting New School Developments — Richard Gill School

Principal’s Blog 007 Exciting New School Developments

Hello, and welcome to the seventh of my monthly Principal's blogs. I will be sharing a new blog post on the first Friday of each month and in this post, I will provide an update of the school’s development, music education research and an exciting new opportunity for music in Muswellbrook.


This week I have been meeting families and community members at Muswellbrook Fair (in front of Coles) from 10am – 1pm, and next week I will be at Marketplace (at the top of the escalator) from 10am – 1pm. If you’d like to discuss the school or enrolment with me in person, please come and have a chat, no booking required.

School Development

It is now 17 days until construction will commence at Richard Gill School, and 122 days until day 1 of Term 1, 2021! We have selected our construction company of choice and demolition of the existing interior for Stage 1 is set to commence on Monday October 19, allowing us maximum time to complete Stage 1 of the school by mid-January. All going well, expect to see some photos of our early construction works in next month’s blog.


Our enrolment numbers have reached double figures, with 10 students now confirmed as foundation students at Richard Gill School! Further to this, our sibling discount in 2021 has been set at a reduction of $750 for the second child, $1500 for the third and a huge $3375 for the fourth child.

Enrolments for 2021 are now being accepted. Please do not delay in returning your enrolment form. Our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info (NESA) and fee information can be found here.


Thankfully, restrictions surrounding Kindergarten Orientation programs are being relaxed in NSW as Covid community transmission rates remain very low and we look forward to developing an orientation program for our foundation students to be held sometime in November/December. Stay tuned.

Point of interest

Now available for public review is recent Music Education research conducted by Dr Anita Collins. These documents can be found here or on our website under the heading ‘Research’ on our Family Resouces page. This is essential reading for all music educators and parents.

As the Richard Gill School establishes itself in Muswellbrook, we hope to attract unique musical and educational opportunities not ever seen before in our region. Excitingly, we have had interest from the Australian Romantic and Classical Orchestra or ARCO (an ensemble with which Richard was heavily involved in) regarding a potential concert and workshop opportunity for May 2021. Watch this space, and enjoy the warmer weather.

Yours in Music,

Chris English – Principal, Richard Gill School
