Hello and welcome to my final Principal's blog for the 2024 school year. In this post, I delve into our recent ventures at the Stanmore Music Festival, our Summer Swim School, the upcoming end-of-year Celebration Assembly, and the closing weeks of 2023.
Would you believe it? Today is the first day of Summer! Another year has quickly flown by and 2024 will soon be upon us.
Summer Swim School
In the last fortnight, our students enthusiastically participated in a 10-day intensive learn-to-swim program at Muswellbrook Aquatic Centre, guided by trained instructors and supported by our dedicated staff. Each 45-minute lesson focussed on the essential skills needed for swimming and staying safe in the water, with children grouped per their ability.
RGS Learn to Swim Nov 2023
We are most grateful for the support of Bengalla Mining Company, whose generous $5,000 donation covered all tuition and bus transport costs, making this program accessible to all of our families at no cost. A much-appreciated reprieve at what can be a costly time of year.
As we approach the summer holiday months, we recognise the importance of swimming lessons, not just as a vital life skill but also as a source of joy and recreation for our young learners.
Kindy Orientation
Our 2024 Kindergarten Orientation program has concluded on a high note, with 12 Kindergarten students (and counting) set to join RGS in 2023. Over three consecutive Tuesdays, all young people immersed themselves in the Richard Gill School experience - including our daily music lessons, in which the children enthusiastically participated.
RGS Kindy Orientation Nov 2023
RGS Kindy Orientation Nov 2023
The program not only acquainted them with their future peers and staff but also fostered a sense of confidence and familiarity with the school environment. We look forward to officially welcoming our newest cohort in 2024.
Stanmore Music Festival 2023
Embarking on the early hours of Saturday, November 18, Richard Gill School families set out for the Inner West of Sydney, marking our annual pilgrimage to the Stanmore Music Festival. The bus journey buzzed with excitement as tired eyes, mainly those of parents, met the gleaming anticipation of children ready to don their formal uniforms. A late wrong turn raised concerns about missing the opening ceremony, but our fears were allayed as we arrived just in time to join the amazing Batucada Funk band and dancers, leading the opening procession down through the main streets of Stanmore, officially inaugurating the festival.
RGS Students, Stanmore Music Festival 2023, Image supplied Inner West Council
Our next stop was the St Michael’s primary school, where we enjoyed the performances of fellow students before gracing the stage with renditions of (six) meticulously practiced songs. The warm yet sunny weather complemented the students' stellar performances, filling us with immense pride. As the afternoon unfolded, free time allowed us to discover the magnificent painting of Richard by local Sydney artist, Ox King, and partake in the myriad street performances, musical delights, and local culinary offerings.
Artist Ox King, Perfect Match Street Artwork in honour of Richard Gill Stanmore Nov 2023 -
RGS Students, Stanmore Music Festival 2023
To the families who undertook this journey, your presence was invaluable. We extend our sincere appreciation, knowing that Richard and his family would undoubtedly share in our pride.
Heartfelt gratitude goes to the organisers for extending their warm welcome once again, fundraising for our bus, and to the Inner West Council for championing this excellent event in honour of Richard. We eagerly anticipate returning next year to strengthen the bond between our school and the broader community that rallies behind Richard’s enduring legacy. P.S. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 16, 2024.
Final Events for 2023
Our end of year “Celebration Assembly” and “School Disco” is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12 from 4:30pm, at the Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music with special guest, Mayor Steve Reynolds.
All RGS families are warmly invited to attend where class and whole school awards will be presented for academic achievement, growth, Music, STEM, and School Spirit. This assembly is a special time to come together as a school community and celebrate our students and their achievements for the year.
We thank Dan Repacholi (Federal Member), and Dave Layzell (State Member) for their donations towards the prizes and note their apologies at this busy time of year. Thanks also to Bengalla, AGL, RSL sub-branch, Rotary, and Osborns for their donations towards the award prizes.
Excitingly, we're also looking forward to a special and final 2023 performance at the Calvary Aged Care facility on Wednesday, December 13. Connecting with our community is something we value at Richard Gill School and we anticipate that this performance will be a rewarding experience for everyone involved.
Importantly, I’d like to thank our staff and volunteers for their fantastic efforts across an enormous year for the school. Your work is so important for the learning and wellbeing of our students and their families. Congratulations on all you’ve achieved in 2023, and we look forward to making even more improvements to our school in 2024!
In 2024 Enrolment is open to Kindergarten to Year 4. To request an enrolment interview, please contact the school. The school will be closing over the Christmas New Year period with final day being December 14, 2023, so it is important to get in touch about 2024 enrolments as soon as possible.
Please visit our documents page to view our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info and fee information and more.
The school is currently seeking applications for a full time, permanent, Student Learning Support Officer (SLSO) for 2024. Please see our Seek advertisement for more information.
Thank you to Dr Carol Richards, a fabulous musician and educator, who has donated a full scholarship for 2024. We welcome any further scholarship contributions from our supporters as we seek to offer positions at the school to families who might not be in a position to do so otherwise. Good quality upright pianos are also sought after by the school as we seek to furnish each classroom with an instrument.
Staff and students are now looking forward to a well-earned break over Summer. My next blog will be at the start of February, just as the children return to school. Wishing all our friends and supporters a safe and happy holiday period, and we’ll speak again in the New Year!
Yours in Music,
Chris English