Principal's Blog 024 - Anzac Day, Mentoring and Music Education — Richard Gill School

Principal’s Blog 024 - Anzac Day, Mentoring and Music Education

Hello, and welcome to the twenty fourth of my monthly Principal's blogs. In this post, I discuss ANZAC Day, Orff Professional Learning, the importance of mentoring, and how music education is just as important as English or Maths.


After a restful Autumn holiday period, our staff and students are back into gear and charging into our musically infused teaching and learning at Richard Gill School. Our school is constantly buzzing with songs, chants, rhymes and rhythms, just the way we like it!


RGS Anzac March 2022

Richard Gill School students march in the Anzac Day parade, 2022

On Monday, April 25, Richard Gill School was represented at our local March and mid-morning service in Muswellbrook. Students and staff gathered in their formal school uniforms to join other schools and community groups in marching the main street and commemorating ANZAC Day at an excellent service. 2 of our students, Livia Spelde of Year 1 and Edie Bestmann of Year 2, recited a poem on stage in front of an enormous crowd. The school is very proud of all students who gave their time to participate in this important event, and thanks to their families for their ongoing support.

Edie Bestmann reading Anzac Poem, Anzac day 2022

Livia Spelde reading Anzac Poem, Anzac day 2022

Orff Mini-Conference at RGS

Richard Gill School are excited to be hosting the Orff NSW mini-conference which kicks off this evening and continues all day tomorrow. The course will feature many outstanding presenters including Christa Coogan, Sarah Reeve, James Madsen, Virginia Esparraga, Danielle Abbott, Jason Foy, Peta Harper, and Sarah Powell. This conference is an outstanding professional learning opportunity for not only our own teachers but for teachers across Muswellbrook and the Upper Hunter. We are thrilled to be developing a partnership between RGS and Orff, which Richard would have been so pleased to see.

National Music Teacher Mentoring Program – Danielle Abbott

Danielle Abbott NMTMP

Following on from the Orff mini conference, presenter extraordinaire and National Music Teacher Mentoring Program lead mentor, Danielle Abbott, will be spending her first day at Richard Gill School as we commence our involvement with the NMTMP (National Music Teacher Mentor Program). The NMTMP is of course another initiative started by Richard Gill, which we are proud to be a part of. We can’t wait to start this important learning journey with Danielle as we continually strive to improve our practice in Music teaching.

Pre-service teachers at RGS

When Richard first developed his vision for the school, a key component was to create a hub where pre-service teachers could engage in a musically rich practicum experience. Richard knew and understood the importance of great teaching, even for (and perhaps most importantly for) the adults preparing to become teachers, and whilst the school is still in its very early stages of development, we are excited to have welcomed our second practicum student to RGS this week.

Donor appeal

As the end of the financial year approaches, we hope some of our supporters may consider making a tax-deductible donation to Richard Gill School. As a new school in its very early stages, we have a strong vision for the types of activities and resources we would like to conduct in our school. Please contact the school at if you might be in a position to make a donation to our school and students.


In 2023, enrolment is open to Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 students. With numerous siblings joining Kindergarten next year and we cap our infants classes at 20, don’t delay in contacting the school on 02 6543 1900 to book a personal tour with myself or to secure your enrolment.

We are also offering a Term 1, 2023 discount to new families who enrol their child in 2023 prior to June 30, 2022.

Enrolments for Richard Gill School are always open, and in 2022 are open to Kindergarten, Year 1, and Year 2. Our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info and fee information can be found here.


It was inspiring to read a recent article by Music Academic, Margaret Barrett, regarding the National Music Teacher Mentoring Program which Richard created and the impact of music on the holistic education of the child. Be sure to give it a read.

Article: Just as important as English or maths': how mentoring is bringing music alive for primary school students.

Yours in Music,

Chris English – Principal, Richard Gill School
